Past Courses


Scientific writing* (3 CFU), G. Santambrogio

Mondays 12-14, aula Querzoli, beginning 29th of January

Microscopy and Imaging (basics) (3 CFU), R. Cicchi


Tue 9 Apr - 9:30/11:30 - Wave Equations and light-matter interaction (reflection, refraction, dispersion, interference) (GARDINI)

Tue 23 Apr - 9:30/11:30 - Ray optics, lenses, optical systems, matrix optics (CICCHI)

Tue 7 May - 9:30/11:30 - Contrast mechanisms: absorption, scattering, fluorescence (GARDINI)

Tue 14 May - 9:30/11:30 - Optical microscopy, magnification, resolution (SILVESTRI)

Tue 21 May - 9:30/11:30 - Wide field, confocal, and non-linear microscopies (CICCHI)

Tue 28 May - 9:30/11:30 - Detectors and processing of digital images (SILVESTRI)


Light-matter interaction (3 CFU), F. Cappelli

Course topics: light sources, quantum optics, light-atom interaction, light-molecular gas interaction, light-liquid interaction, light-solid interaction, light-biological-sample interaction.

Wednesday the 15th of May, 2024 
Monday the 27th of May
Thursday the 30th of May
Monday the 3rd of June
Thursday the 6th of June
Monday the 10th of June
Thursday the 13th of June

Science communication* (3 CFU), G. Santambrogio and C. Sias

Each student will give 3 presentation. The presentations will be of different lengths; one on a topic selected by the student, one is assigned by the teachers, the last one on the student's PhD thesis work. 

Begins on the 6th of February. Tuesday and Wednesday, 12-14h in aula Querzoli


Python for data analysis (3 CFU), G. Mazzamuto and A. Scaglione
Computer room (218) of the Department of Physics. 
Martedì/Tuesday March 26, 10:00 - 13:00
Giovedì/Thursday April 4, 10:00 - 13:00
Giovedì/Thursday April 11, 10:00 - 13:00
Martedì/Tuesday April 16, 10:00 - 13:00
Martedì/Tuesday April 30, 10:00 - 13:00
Giovedì/Thursday May 9, 10:00 - 13:00
Giovedì/Thursday May 16, 10:00 - 13:00
Giovedì/Thursday May 23, 10:00 - 13:00
Giovedì/Thursday May 30, 10:00 - 13:00



Microscopy and Imaging (advanced) (3 CFU), R. Cicchi

Advanced microscopies 1 (TIRFM, FLIM, CARS, SHG) (CICCHI): Tuesday, 21 March, 9:30--11:30

Advanced microscopies 2 (light sheet, super-resolution) (SILVESTRI): Tuesday, 28 March, 9:30--11:30

Scanning near-field optical microscopy (GRANCHI): Tuesday, 18 April, 9:30--11:30

Single molecule techniques (imaging, localization, manipulation) (CAPITANIO): Tuesday, 9 May, 9:30--11:30

Functional imaging e photostimulation (VANZI): Tuesday, 16 May, 9:30--11:30

Cold atoms imaging techniques (BURCHIANTI): Monday, 22 May, 9:30--11:30


Spectroscopy (1+3 CFU), S. Catalini and P. Foggi

Introduction to Modern Spectroscopy only for students from biology and biotechnologies
10 January 2023 and 12 January 2023 from 10:00 to 13:00 in LENS Library

Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 to 13:00 in Querzoli: 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 January.


Science communication* (3 CFU), G. Santambrogio and C. Sias

Beginning 1st February 2023. All classes Monday and Wednesday 12:00 to 14:00 in aula Querzoli. Due to the large number of students attending the class, classes will be split into two from February 15th. First group 10:00 to 12:00, second group 12:00 to 14:00.

*Course valid for “soft and complementary skills”

Python for data analysis (3 CFU), G. Mazzamuto and A. Scaglione
The course covers the basics of the Python language and the most common scientific libraries, including numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, seaborn, with practical exercises with data from real scientific experiments.
Thursday, 11 May, 10--13
Thursday, 18 May, 10--13
Thursday, 25 May, 10--13
Thursday, 1 June 10--13
Tuesday, 6 June, 10--13
Tuesday, 13 June, 10--13
Tuesday, 20 June, 10--13
Tuesday, 27 June, 10--13
Tuesday, 4 July, 10--13
Aula informatica Physics Department.


Microscopy and Imaging (basics) (3 CFU), R. Cicchi, L. Sacconi, L. Silvestri

All classes in Querzoli, Tuesdays 10:00 to 12:00. Email R. Cicchi to enrol.

Tue 08.03: Wave Equations and light-matter interaction (reflection, refraction, dispersion, interference) (Sacconi)   

Tue 15.03: Ray optics, lenses, optical systems, matrix optics (Cicchi)

Tue 22.03: Contrast mechanisms: absorption, scattering, fluorescence (Sacconi)

Tue 29.03: Optical microscopy, magnification, resolution (Silvestri)

Tue 05.04: Wide field, confocal, and non-linear microscopies (Cicchi)

Tue 12.04: Detectors and processing of digital images (Silvestri)


Light-matter interaction (3 CFU), A. Zavatta

All lectures in aula Querzoli from 10 to 13h. Email A. Zavatta to enrol.

25 May, Introduction to quantum mechanics (F. S. Cataliotti)

26 May, Introduction to quantum mechanics (F. S. Cataliotti)

08 Jun, Single emitters and Single photons: Basic facts and Measurement Techniques (C. Toninelli)

10 Jun, Single emitters and Single photons: Basic facts and Measurement Techniques (C. Toninelli)

15 June, Quantum light engineering and characterisation at the single photon level (A. Zavatta)

17 June, Quantum light engineering and characterisation at the single photon level (A. Zavatta)

29 June, Experimental techniques in quantum opto-mechanics (F. Marin)

01 July, Experimental techniques in quantum opto-mechanics (F. Marin)


Science communication* (3 CFU), G. Santambrogio and C. Sias

Beginning March 14th, 2022.

Each student will give two presentations, one on a topic assigned by the teachers, one on their PhD work. All further instructions will be given in Google Classroom. Registrations are now closed. 


Smart Polymers for photonics and medicine (2 CFU), D. Martella and C. Parmeggiani

September 21, 22, 28: 9:30--11:30 and September 26: 9:00--11:00 in aula Querzoli. 

We will briefly describe selected class of smart polymers (stimuli responsive networks, hydrogel, etc.) together with their application in different research field, such as photonics and medicine. The examples will spine from tunable micro lasers and innovative approach to cryptography, to cell scaffold, biosensors and cardiac devices.  Email C. Parmeggiani to enrol.


Python for data analysis (3 CFU), G. Mazzamuto and A. Scaglione

All Classes are at 10:30 to 12:30 in room 218, Department of Physics. Dates: 28 April, 5, 12, 19, 25 May, 1, 8, 15 June.

The course covers the basics of the Python language and the most common scientific libraries, including numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, seaborn, with practical exercises with data from real scientific experiments.




Microscopy and Imaging (advanced), R. Cicchi

Spectroscopy, P. Foggi

Science Communication, G. Santambrogio and C. Sias

Python for data analysis, G. Mazzamuto and A. Scaglione



Scientific Communication, F. Scazza and C. Sias

Spectroscopy, G. Insero and G. Santambrogio

Microscopy and Imaging (basics), R. Cicchi

Light-matter interaction, A. Zavatta



Science Communication, G. Santambrogio

Microscopy and Imaging (basics and advanced), R. Cicchi

Laser Spectroscopy (basics and advanced), P. Foggi and M. Di Donato

Smart Polymers, D. Martella and C. Parmeggiani

Spins and Photons for Quantum Technologies, N Fabbri

Photonics of complex systems, L. Pattelli and F. Riboli




Computer Physics, G. Santambrogio

Science Communication, G. Santambrogio

Introductory Spectroscopy, P. Bunker



Spectroscopy Seminar, G. Santambrogio